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For your reading pleasure.
To give you an idea of my writing skills, I’m including only articles that are under my byline (and you can find 200+ articles here).
I do a lot of ghostwriting and website content creation, so please check out my testimonials.
I’m happy to provide additional samples if you’d like — just give me a shout and it’s ON!
My partner at Movement Ventures, Brian Clark, and I publish a weekly newsletter that helps you live your best life at midlife

Live Consciously to Become Who You Choose
While our brains would like to keep us safe by keeping us small, the truth is much more expansive. We humans aren’t problems to be solved, but instead an ongoing process of Self discovery.

The Joy of Being a Perennial
Forget your outdated ideas of what “your” generation is. It’s time to embrace the anti-ageist stance of simply calling yourself a perennial.

How Just a Few Friends Help You Flourish
Recently, a friend lamented to me about a pandemic-related demise of a friend circle. Ironically, the falling out was instigated by a Heather – both the woman’s name and a perfect example of a best friend/greatest enemy.

The Counterintuitive Key to Happy Romantic Relationships
Watching the most recent horrendous Hollywood breakup featuring a former GenX heartthrob makes me wonder about people’s expectations of marriage vows. We cling to the romantic ideal of unconditional love, then are shocked when amore devolves into acrimony.

Learn to Fly With Inspired Action
Anyone can set and achieve goals. In times like these, when life throws a monkey wrench in your plans, slow down and listen to your intuition: this is a call. If you want your dreams to take flight, inspired action, as exemplified by Taylor Hawkins, is how you learn to fly.